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Independents close to rural comms role

In the fanfare surrounding the appointment of former Liberal Leader Malcolm Turnbull to the role of shadow minister for communications, the appointment of new Shadow Minister for Regional Communications Luke Hartsuyker went almost unnoticed.
Written by Josh Taylor, Contributor

In the fanfare surrounding the appointment of former Liberal Leader Malcolm Turnbull to the role of shadow minister for communications, the appointment of new Shadow Minister for Regional Communications Luke Hartsuyker went almost unnoticed.

Electorate map

Luke Hartsuyker's electorate is nestled between the electorates of Independent MPs Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott. (Screenshot by Josh Taylor/ZDNet Australia)

The National MP's electorate of Cowper is wedged firmly between the electorates of Independent MPs Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott. The National Broadband Network (NBN) played a key role in convincing the two independents to side with Prime Minister Julia Gillard to allow Labor to form a minority government.

The appointment of the Cowper MP to this new position in the shadow ministry could be seen as a move by Abbott to appeal to the nearby independents on telecommunications issues in regional Australia.

"I look forward to holding the government to account in delivering more advanced communications in regional Australia and realising the potential of vibrant and dynamic sector," Hartsuyker said in a statement about his new position.

"We can deliver enormous opportunities for regional Australia if we get our communications — and in particular our telecommunications — policies right," he added.

"It is essential that the government delivers regional telecommunications which is affordable to consumers and cost effective if taxpayers are expected to fund its provision. The government must ensure broadband services are adaptable to new technologies and responsive to the needs of the marketplace."

Hartsuyker's role in the new shadow ministry would be to assist Turnbull in what Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said yesterday would be to "demolish" the government on broadband policy.

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