
Web defense issue draws reader reaction

Who will guard the guardians? As more critical support structures connect with the Web, how significant has the threat of hack attacks become?
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

Who will guard the guardians? As more critical support structures connect with the Web, how significant has the threat of hack attacks become? Do governments have a part to play in ensuring Internet security, and where should those safeguards be applied? ZDNet News' special report "Lines of Defense: How to keep e-vandalism from becoming e-terrorism" (see https://www.zdnet.com/special/filters/defense/) provoked a variety of responses from TalkBack posters. Some said they felt the danger of such attacks has been exaggerated, and even those readers who recognize a threat were divided on whether government involvement would cause more harm than good. On Thursday, April 20, ZDNet will also host a public forum on the Web defense issue in San Francisco -- members of the public interested in attending the event can register at https://www.zdnet.com/adverts/adinfo/eform.htm. Full story. -- Matthew Rothenberg, ZDNet News

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