
Google's Firebase intros in-app messaging, BigQuery integration

Google said the updates are designed to better support sophisticated apps and mobile developers.
Written by Natalie Gagliordi, Contributor

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Google on Thursday rolled out a bevy of new features to Firebase, its backend development platform for Android and iOS apps. The tech giant said the updates are designed to better support sophisticated apps and mobile developers throughout the development cycle.

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Among the key updates is the introduction of a new in-app messaging tool that gives developers a way to engage with users who are actively using their apps. Developers can nudge users through the app funnel via targeted and contextual messages, Google said. The tool also provides analytics on how each messaging campaign is performing, tracking impressions, clicks and conversions by date.

Also on deck are new Crashlytics integrations with BigQuery and JIRA. Google said Crashlytics now integrates with BigQuery to offer deeper analysis of crash data. Meanwhile, the JIRA integration will alert teams to crashes on third-party tools like Slack.

Also: Google's Firebase intros in-app messaging TechRepublic


From Crashlytics, a developer can now create a JIRA ticket to track and triage issues.

Image via Google

Google acquired Firebase in 2014, as an application cross-platform backend service that included a real-time database, user authentication, and hosting. The platform was revamped in 2016 with a host of integrations into existing Google cloud services and new products designed to help developers build apps, attract users and earn revenue.

Crashlytics came to Google following its purchase of Twitter's development platform Fabric in 2017. The Fabric team merged with the Firebase team under Google's Developer Products Group.

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Additional Firebase updates announced today include an improvement to Firebase Hosting that Google says allows developers to host multiple websites within one project. There's also a new Firebase console that now includes live data and the ability to view performance issues, notification and A/B test status, and the usage and health data for other Firebase services like Functions, Hosting, and Storage, Google said.

Previous and related coverage:

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At the Google I/O developer conference, Google launched ML Kit, a machine learning SDK available on Firebase for Android or iOS.

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