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Create unlimited tutorial and explainer videos for $39

Fleeq Premium normally runs $12 per month, so in short order you'll have more than covered this lifetime-access offer.
Written by Rick Broida, Contributor

ZDNet's Business Bargain Hunter scours the web for great deals on computers, phones, services and much more. Prices and availability are accurate at the time deals are shared. Some products and services may not be available outside the U.S. Follow BBH on Facebook and Twitter, where he's known as The Cheapskate. Plus: You'll find more Cheapskate deals on CNET.

If today's deal sounds a bit familiar, it's because I first shared it last December. But this rerun is the very best kind of rerun, because it comes with a lower price.

First, a reminder: Fleeq is a production tool designed to turn screenshots into tutorial and explainer videos -- the kind used by everyone everywhere these days.


Fleeq employs a simple content-creation tool that lets you build seriously effective how-to and explainer videos.


Second, the deal: StackSocial has a killer offer on Fleeq. The service's Premium plan currently runs $12 per month (or $9 if you pay annually). For a limited time, however, StackSocial is offering a lifetime Fleeq Premium subscription for $39. Yes, lifetime: Pay $39 once and you're done.

Take note, however, that all sales are final: Once you redeem the license (which you have 30 days to do), no refunds. (You can, however, return unredeemed licenses within 15 days.)

This single-user plan allows for the creation of unlimited "fleeqs" (i.e. videos) that can live online, plus six MP4 video exports per month and 12 GIF exports per month.

Need to assign more than one person to creating videos? This deal is stackable: You can purchase additional lifetime licenses for the same price.

I think the best way to understand Fleeq is to look at sample fleeqs. As you'll notice right off, the tool does a great job of calling out a particular area of a screenshot, zooming around a screenshot and adding natural(ish)-sounding voice-over (which is totally customizable).

What more can I say? If your org needs to produce videos like this, whether for in-house training or customer outreach, Fleeq makes it fast and easy.

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